Privacy policy
General terms and definitions
The content of the Villa Vižula website at is the property of Mr. Sandro Fiorido (Villa Vižula) and, unless otherwise stated, may not be copied, published, distributed, etc. without the express consent of the site owner.
The contents published on the website are of an informative nature, we try to publish accurate information but we do not give any guarantees regarding their accuracy and completeness.
By using the content of this website, the user accepts all risks arising from its use and agrees to use the content of the website exclusively for personal use and at his or her own risk.
The owner of the website is not liable for any direct and indirect damage that arises or could arise from access to and use of the content of the site, any errors in its content or unavailability due to technical reasons.
This privacy policy applies exclusively to this website. This website may also contain third party information and links to third party websites. The owner of the website does not give any guarantees regarding the accuracy or any other characteristics of such information and links, and does not assume any responsibility for the content of the website to which the link directs the user. Third-party websites have their own independent terms of personal data protection and it is the user’s obligation to familiarize himself or herself with them when visiting these websites.
Privacy policy
Your privacy is very important to us. Villa Vižula respects your privacy and therefore does not ask you for personal information unless we really need it, which is the case with the contact form you fill out with personal information so that we can contact you and provide answers to your inquiry.
We do not share your personal information with anyone except to comply with the law or to protect our rights. We do not store your personal information on our servers unless it is necessary for the continuous operation of our site.
Protection, collection and use of personal data
The General Conditions of Personal Data Protection are based on the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation EU 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR) and the Act on Implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (OG 42/2018) and provide users of this website with information on the manner in which their personal information is collected, used, protected, corrected and deleted.
The term ‘personal data’ means any data on the basis of which the user can be identified: name and family name, date of birth, e-mail address, postal address, telephone number, IP address and similar data.
No user registration is required to access the content of this website, the user does not need to log in to access the content or comment on the content and therefore this website can be used without revealing the identity of the user.
As this website does not register users or allow commenting, it does not collect any personal data of users but only anonymous data required for visit sessions and data for third party cookies.
This website does not sell or otherwise transfer users’ personal information to third parties, nor does it directly use third party cookies. We use your anonymous data to authenticate, collect anonymous statistics and improve the services provided by the website.
Contact form
This website provides a contact form, which allows site visitors to send booking inquiries.
The personal information entered in the form is your name and email address. This personal data is used exclusively for the purpose of contacting the person who sent the inquiry, in order to provide him or her with the appropriate business service, ie to answer the inquiry about accommodation in Villa Vižula and the availability of dates for room reservations.
As stated earlier, Villa Vižula does not share this information with third parties, and uses it solely for the purpose of contacting the visitor who sent it, and stores this data in a secure manner that does not allow third parties access to this information.
Cookies on website
Detailed information about the cookies used on this website can be found on the Cookie policy page.
Deleting and managing cookies
The user of this website can control and / or delete cookies on his personal computer and the settings of most web browsers also enable the blocking of cookies. If a user blocks cookies, some parts of this website may not work at all or may work partially, or certain services and features may not be available. For more information on cookies, visit
Acceptance of cookies on the website
When the user comes to this website, he or she is shown a cookie notification through which he or she accepts the terms of use of the site.
The user can subsequently change the settings of his consent for the use of cookies at any time, via the image link on the left side of the website footer.
Privacy policy changes
Villa Vižula reserves the right to change the privacy policy without prior notice and is not responsible for any possible consequences resulting from such changes. Users are obliged to check the privacy policy every time they use this website so to find out about any changes in its privacy policy.
Your continued use of this website after any change to this privacy policy will constitute your acceptance of such change.
Additional information
For all additional questions about personal data protection on this website, please contact us by e-mail at